Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Love, the Science and The Art

Do you ever get a sudden urge to do something when you think no one is watching? Like, you're sitting at the red light and you desperately want to dig for some gold in your nose? No one's looking right?
Or maybe you're strolling around the mall and pass by an unattended kiosk. And on that kiosk are rows upon rows of Snuggies in every shape and pattern imaginable. Your jaw drops. You wanted a Snuggie for Hanukkah but didn't get one and cried about it for weeks. Now is your shining moment of opportunity. Will anyone notice if you nab the red one? Well my friends, the answer is yes! People notice things. One thing I've observed about human beings is that we love to watch and analyze one another.

So maybe you think the little old lady in the neighboring car at that red light is retouching her lipstick, but odds are, she's peering around for anything and everything to report at her Sunday evening knitting club. And maybe you think no one will notice if you grab the much sought-after red Snuggie at the mall kiosk, but nuh-uh...Little Teddy Turner is with Mommy in Barnes and Noble and sees the whole dirty deal (and then tattles, because that's what kids do).

The fact is, people watching is something many of us have a love for. It's an exact science that doesn't develop overnight but grows like the fungus on that two year old sandwich under your bed. And most of all, people watching is a form of art. Not only do we spy on people, but other humans inspire us. Where do you think Lady Gaga thought of wearing her insane costumes? Why, Sir Elton John of course! We watch other people subconsciously without even realizing it, and those observations in turn influence our lives.

Alcoholics Anonymous? How about People Watchers Anonymous? Because that, my friends, is an addiction all in itself. Hi, my name is Perfect Vision and I am a People Watching Addict. There, I said it.

Now join the club.

The apple of your eye,
Perfect Vision

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